5 Ways Our Technology Systems Allow Us to Work Smarter for Our Clients

by | Aug 23, 2024 | Company

In our industry, and especially in a small company, relationships matter. We answer the phone. We develop personal relationships. And if something goes wrong, we’re there to fix it. That is how customers like you know you’re more than a number. While we pride ourselves on our old-fashioned approach to service, we also believe in efficiency, technology, and working smarter. We recognize the balance between valuing the way things have been done – and investing in strategies to see how they can be improved. In our business, parts are molded out of rubber and always will be – even as technology advances. That’s simple chemistry and physics. What moves the needle is our ability to enhance the technology around how we work, engage customers, and serve our people more efficiently. We’re doing that by implementing ERP systems and CRM systems that enable us to work more efficiently and collaboratively. Here are five ways that plays out in our business.

Eliminate Silos

On an older system, we all had access to technology, but we were operating within our own boxes. Now, we’ve eliminated the silos through a web-based system. We see the same screens, and we’re working on the same projects. We’re not guessing what another team is doing — we know what they’re doing.

Recognize Priorities and Urgent Needs

When we all have access to the same web-based system, we know what needs to ship today and what is shipping tomorrow, and also know what is coming in today and going out tomorrow. This real-time visibility allows us to monitor your priorities and address urgent needs immediately. An effective CRM helps us track what you need and when you need it.

Problem Solve in Real Time

If there’s an issue, an engineer can screen share and show another team exactly what they’re working on or where they’re stuck. We can problem solve in real time, and we can get you a functional answer quickly. This kind of efficiency is incredibly valuable in an industry where every minute can impact the bottom line.

Simplify Inventory Management

Our ERP allows us to help you with a quality, consistent supply source. Some of our customers have thousands of SKUs, and they rely on our assistance in managing that inventory. Our proven expertise means you can get the part you need on request. Because of our technology, we can promise not only flawless fulfillment, but flawless, simplified management of the inventory process.

Reduce the Need for Travel

Technology has made it easy to collaborate with our customers, which also means reducing the inefficiency of driving far distances or flying cross country to speak with an engineer. We can jump on Zoom. We can screen share. We can solve problems remotely. One such example was a client several states away who needed our help in sourcing a new flat gasket. Our ability to partner remotely allowed us to create an effective solution, saving time and money all around.

Learn How We Can Serve You as a Partner

Curious what a relationship with Rothkopf could look like for your business? Let’s start a conversation about your rubber part needs, our latest technology, and how we can bring those together to ensure flawless fulfillment.

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